Hey, hello to all my followers, etc...
I know I haven't been posting in awhile, but I've just been caught up playing Need for Speed SHIFT.
It's an incredible game; a good step in the Need for Speed franchise.
The visuals are amazing, especially from the cockpit view, in which was worked on by the development team immensely.
Although it may not be entirely realistic, the semi arcade/simulation approach Slightly Mad Studios has taken is nigh-better than that of another racing game in such genre (Race Driver GRID by Codemasters).
Both may have their own novelties in their own way, however it is just overall, SHIFT feels more... polished/finished, rather than it's competitor.
Anyway, here's a few pics of my main car - a Works converted Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X
(with matching "Red Tear" custom vinyl designed by myself)Oh and a fun takedown of a Dodge Viper SRT10 with the Ford GT I was driving in an Invitational event at Willow Springs.
And some dorifuto action.
Anyway, I'll be leaving on a trip, where I'll still post, albeit more frequently (now that I have the time and opportunity to).
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
Has anyone reading my blog ever listened to/heard of/knows of/knows the band Rise Against?
Recently, after being handed a task to analyse a "protest" kind of song, I didn't stop to hesitate choosing something from that band.
Sure, not everyone is into their songs, but I have to keep remembering; I'd listen to practically any kind of music... It just has to have good flow...
So when I actually got down to looking at the lyrics of the song for techniques; there was pretty much a whole different song that I thought I had been listening to...
A new meaning, a new story perhaps...?
The song itself is heavily melodic, so anyone who does not usually listen to these supposed 'genre' of songs would not really mind the sudden acceleration and vocal emphasis in the chorus.
In the mean time, I might be busy for at least next week, taking a whole week away from the enthralling web of the internet to focus on studies or so...
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
"Well all I really wanna do is love you...I still can't say it after all we've been through..."
One word; utter awesomeness.
Woops, that was two. Oh well.
In any case, yesterday I got back from camp...
Which was totally awesome!
It was such a different set of experiences I will definitely highlight in my life so far.
So many challenges and memories will arise from it.
I've changed alot too; I've gotten presumably happier (mostly because of the few I admire and a new person in my life), of course slightly darkened my tan and become more of the person I want to be.
What was not strange at all was the fact that I did not miss my internet and computer habits one bit. I almost expected not to miss them.
There were several activities that were absolutely awesome; being that of Lost Island (muddy obstacle course [my favourite]), and others...
If you wanted to hear about that new person, I guess I can't say. But I will say that the one special girl I have in my heart, I feel a little more confident, etc... I really enjoy her company though.
I haven't found a proper song to describe what I feel with her...
But I guess Jason Mraz's song "If it kills me" is pretty much a bit of the story.
(Lyrics source = Lyrics Astraweb)
Hello, tell me you knowSomething is telling me there's not a lot I can do; there is anything, but that doesn't necessarily mean I should do those things.
Yeah, you figured me out
Something gave it away
And it would be such a beautiful moment
To see the look on your face
To know that I know that you know now
And baby that's a case of my wishful thinking
You know nothing
Cause you and I
Why, we go carrying on for hours, on and
We get along much better
Than you and your boyfriend
Well all I really wanna do is love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
Well how long, can I go on like this,
Wishing to kiss you,
Before I rightly explode?
This double life I lead isn't healthy for me
In fact it makes me nervous
If I get caught I could be risking it all
Baby there's a lot that I miss
In case I'm wrong
Well all I really wanna do is love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
If I should be so bold
I'd ask you to hold my heart in your hand
Tell you from the start how I've longed to be your man
But I never said I would
I guess I'm gonna miss my chance again
All I really wanna do is love you
A kind much closer than friends use
But I still can't say it after all we've been through
And all I really want from you is to feel me
As the feeling inside keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
If it kills me
I think it might kill me
And all I really want from you is to feel me
It's a feeling inside that keeps building
And I will find a way to you if it kills me
If it kills me
If it kills me
It might kill me
At the second day of the three day camp, I saw and found the most picturesque scene or landscape in my life. There was an early sunset basking the lake and trees in a beautiful display of natural light with an incredibly lavish ambiance.
I just felt so compelled to take someone I cared about there....
In any case, I'll diverge into full details about the camp at a later stage.
Peace out and Fly On,
Razor Blayde
"I've got joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart! And if the..."
This wasn't really what I intended to blog about today.
I was going to post about this television series I had recently started watching fanatically.
And about how I came about something new, something different.
I've got a few things on my mind lately, probably due to my playlist of Yellowcard, Oasis, Jason Mraz, MGMT, Rise Against, et al...
It's a lot of things I haven't considered...
Maturing lately has brought negativity and positivity to my life. A new persona is not necessarily bad, however it can make the people that care about me the most consider that they want the old "me" back.
Negativity, because of the strange new ways I think of things now, the stranger yet approaches I have to things and that gnawing feeling that's taken residence in me.
Positivity, because of how I feel towards a certain girl, because of my new-ish outlook I have to some things and my suddenly broadened interests, discussions, etc.
Again, there are the events, (that I seem to associate to songs on my playlist), that are surely new life experiences to myself, that need reflecting on.
The summer is coming on, regardless of how much I express dislike for the season, wishing it were winter times, and needless to say, I am slowly warming up to it, (excuse the pun).
Peace to the world and Fly on,
Razor Blayde
I don't like it how so many people think games to be associated with consoles
Don't people know what those games were developed on?
People may think it is easier to have a console with "HD graphics", sound and all that with a TV and their 'trusty' console. They also may think that while the same is also possible for the PC, that it is impractical.
However this is not the case, as one, it is definitely not impractical. (I'm not gonna bother explaining).
And second, they are not exactly 'HD Graphics' either.
HD is a term coined up by companies to fool customers into thinking that they are buying something with a premium.
Do you see what resolutions these televisions run? Sure the most being: 1920x1080
But with massive wastes with such a large DPI even on 60" or 70" LCD/Plasmas.
And also, those PS3 and 360 are infact just upscaling their content to fit that resolution.
The most of the content that is said to be "1080p" (1920x1080 Progressive Scan) is really just "720p" (1???x720 Progressive Scan) upscaled. If you compare my decently good, yet still underpowered (compared to high spec offerings of today) Nvidia Geforce 7800 GTX 512 to the PS3, it's actually pretty much the same as the PS3's RSX chip also from Nvidia.
They are of the same G70 architecture, yet different clocks, quantity of intergrated RAMDAC, width of memory bus, and etc.
Yet how does the PS3 manage to run all (read: Most) of its games soo smoothly and to fit 1920x1080 resolutions?
Well apart from the difference of the beast of the PS3's CPU (Cell 8 PU (7 SPE + 1 PPE)) and my lil Intel Pentium D 805, it's the sheer optimisation of MOST of the games made for the console.
See, when making games for the console, developers know that there is a standard of hardware they can take advantage of. They can utilise only 6 cores of the Cell CPU, (with its puny 256MB shared system RAM) and the RSX graphics chip all efficently because of this. Yet in all PS3's they know this is going to work, and work well.
A lot of publishers find masses of money from making games for consoles. 'Cause of the sheer audience that have consoles, (I even have consoles, so I'm not THAT biased), they can reach in and reap rewards.
No matter how dumbed down the controls and content may be for the consoles, and also how lame the whole package is, (you can't even mod it to make it better or solve bugs), people will still buy it. And you can even sell it back to where you got it if you didn't like it.
If I got a team of a few dozen people and made an awesome game for PC, and no one really noticed, and decided to make a degraded port for the consoles;
Guess who would buy it?
Absolutely everyone.
I'm not kidding.
It's also not like PC's are without their history of poorly made games.
Take a look at the Wikipedia page of: Big Rigs: Off/On Road Racing.
Look how much negative reviews it got.
It was:
*Underdeveloped (had heaps of bugs, strange behaviours, suspicious areas that suggest the people responsible for making that simply said 'Stuff this, let's go get high' and masses of typoes).
*Underpublished (Incorrect information on the packaging, suggesting a "Journey across 1000 mile roads carrying illegal cargo while evading the cops", with no cops, immobile opponents and no mention of any 1000 mile roads ingame).
*Just a huge pile of junk generally.
Ingame, you could drive on a shoddily made environment and track, with slow moving civilian cars, with about 5 variations of tracks.
With your "Racing" Rig.
Your opponent never moved at all from their starting position.
If you came at all to an obstacle, (say a fence or building or car or boudary), that didn't affect your truck at all. Simply drive through it and come out unscathed. Also, you accelerated to speeds over 2000 mph, a feat quite unbelievable, especially in a TRUCK.
Reversing gave you the same unlimited speeds as well.
If you turned, it took about 5-10 seconds for the truck to stop turning.
If you met a slope, say a 90 degree one, that didn't affect your truck either.
With all those crazy (lack of) physics, you'd think you'd have brakes just like any normal vehicle.
Well, not really how you'd expect...
If you let go of the accelerator, you just stopped.
Whatever speed you were going at, you just stopped.
The last track of the game was bugged, so it crashed your game when you tried to race it.
And when you finished the game, A three handled, badly made model of a trophy appeared with the words:
Eventually the game's developer released a patch.
But that didn't solve anything.
Sure, it made the opponent move [at 10 mph compared to whatever crazy speed you were at], sure the game now said "You win!", but how can you polish a game that was originally poor at best to begin with?
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
(p.s. That was more or less pasted from a conversation with a good friend. It was slightly edited.)
A hello to my faithful readers...
Wherever you may be, I have a question for you...
Would you think you need help? As in psychological help?
If answering yes, then you're already on the way to solving it. If no, then I can't help you. You're beyond help.
I'm one of many, changing so much.
Yes, I know I've changed, but that is necessary.
If you have been reading my blog from the start, you'd know how I am, how I like certain topics, certain things about people (niceness, etc)...
I feel much, I think much and I... do so much. Even if it is of my accord, I reckon there is more to it.
It being my state of mind. I'm not psychotic, nor a little sick in the head. I'm apparently normal, just going through an exacerbated period of change.
I like to roam around in my mind, delving into it, finding more capabilities, astounding myself with what I can achieve and create.
If it matters, I'm going back to actual topics, not just about my emotional, psychological and physical state...
I've decided I'm going to do a series of projects, just to keep my mind occupied.
Ones in TM, etc...
Before I go...
I've been listening recently to a Malaysian singer called Zee Avi. Although being only 23, she's already a star, with a wonderfully soft voice she is gifted with. She has a Youtube Channel:
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
It might be just me wanting to get GRID ridiculously smooth, and also the fact that the CPU/GPU is pretty old.
But anyway, I'm planning on:
Intel Core 2 Duo E7400/E7600
Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 (Core 216 if possible)
And for my 1TB/500GB SATA drive back...
Anyway, there's some more things, but I'm not at liberty to say.
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
"Speeding? What speeding? Officer, there was a firetruck trying to ram me off the road!!!"
So there we have it...
It was my birthday not too long ago...
There's some interesting things going on in my head.
I'm not really at liberty to discuss them, although they're still important.
If you didn't know, NFS SHIFT looks very promising...
Here's the carlist so far (72 cars):
2006 Aston Martin DBR9
2009 Audi R8 LMS
2008 Audi R8
2008 Audi RS 4
2007 Audi S3
2007 Audi TT 3.2 quattro
2006 Audi S4
BMW M3 E36
BMW M3 E46
BMW M3 E92
2008 BMW 135i Coupé
2009 BMW M3 GT2
2007 BMW Z4 M Coupé
2008 Bugatti Veyron 16.4
2006 Dodge Challenger Concept
2008 Dodge Viper SRT10
Vaughn Gittin Jr's 2010 Falken Tire Ford Mustang GT
2010 Ford Shelby GT500
2007 Ford Focus ST
2006 Ford GT
2006 Need For Speed Shelby Terlingua
1996 Ford Escort RS Cosworth
2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS
2006 Chevrolet Cobalt SS
2006 Chevrolet Corvette Z06
2006 Honda Civic Si
2000 Honda S2000
2006 Koenigsegg CCX
2008 Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4
2007 Lamborghini Murciélago LP640
2007 Lamborghini Reventón
2006 Lotus Elise 111R
2007 Lotus Exige S
2005 Maserati MC12 GT1
2008 Mazda MX-5
2006 Mazda RX-8
1995 Mazda RX-7
1994 McLaren F1
2007 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition
2007 Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG
2008 Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION
2006 Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION IX MR-edition
2003 Infiniti G35 (V35)
1997 Nissan 200SX (S14)
2009 Nissan 370Z (Z34)
2006 Nissan 350Z (Z33)
2009 Nissan GT-R SpecV (R35)
2008 Nissan GT-R (R35)
2000 Nissan Silvia (S15) spec.R AERO
1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34)
1972 Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R
1992 Nissan 240SX (S13)
2006 Pagani Zonda F
2010 Pagani Zonda R
2008 Porsche 911 GT2
2009 Porsche 911 GT3 RSR
2006 Porsche 911 GT3 RS
2004 Porsche Carrera GT
2007 Porsche Cayman S
2008 Renault Mégane RS
2007 SEAT Leon CUPRA
2006 Subaru Impreza WRX STi
2007 Lexus LF-A Concept
2008 SCION tC
1986 Toyota Corolla GTS (A86)
2008 Volkswagen Scirocco
2006 Volkswagen Golf GTI
Bold cars are reward/bonus...
SHIFT is released 15/17 of September, 2009.
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
Need for Speed SHIFT! What? You were expecting something different? You perverts... No seriously, I know you're not. I hope you're not...
Anyway, my computer is a fixed a for now a... with new CPU fan coming along... No more 76 degree temps!
But anyway without further delay, direct from needforspeed.com:
As the curtain is pulled back to reveal the full glory of Need for Speed SHIFT I spoke with Jesse Abney, game team producer and former Need for Speed star, about the new game. Before I met I took a look at all the questions people have emailed me and picked some of the most popular themes for our chat.
I started by asking Jesse how long the development teams have been working on the game but before he answered this he wanted to talk a little about the main development team Slightly Mad Studios: “They (SMS) are a team who live and breathe driving and cars. This aspect to their personality makes the collaboration that much simpler to manage. They have taken the initiative to build next-gen tech, work with Patrick (Soderland, DICE Co-founder) on unique design elements, and put their passion to play in the creation of this experience.
“The hard core simulation pedigree of Slightly Mad, with more than 25 alumni from the GTR franchise team, in collaboration with Patrick, whose semi-professional racing experience helps deliver an all new Driver Experience to the simulation category. This teamed alongside the presentation and design capabilities of Black Box studio to deliver a new and original design to the Need for Speed legacy.” When I asked Jesse about DICE’s involvement he was quick to remind me about their history of creating such games such as Rallisport Challenge 1 and 2.
SMS have already been working on the game for more than two years, creating a new engine from the ground-up to take full advantage of the high-end tech available on the PS3, 360 and, particularly, PC. The team has been designing the game for most of the past year, researching the racing genre and identifying key design attributes and requirements to shape the gameplay and ensure the technology is there to support it.
When the game was first announced, people emailed me with their thoughts and one of the most regular themes was people thought the game looked like Codemaster’s GRID. I asked Jesse what the team thought to this: “SHIFT is aimed squarely at the race simulation sub-genre but it’s not intended to be a sterile or grinding simulation game. It’s an authentic race experience that keys into the Driver Experience; emulating a true driver’s experience is how we are differentiating ourselves. For example; how does it sound to be behind the wheel of a high performance race car on the starting grid? What does the simulation of G-force look like? How does it feel to misjudge a corner and slam into a wall at 150 or seeing the AI cars making the same mistakes, locking up breaks, blocking competitors or overtaking? These true-to-life aspects of racing are at the heart of the driver experience.”
Speaking of the gaming experience; I noted that Need for Speed has always been a classic arcade racer and wondered why the switch to simulation style gameplay was made this year? “We’ve got a very committed fan base whose interests span not only arcade but also simulation and online racing. We’re now working to service each core group’s interest by tailoring gameplay design more specifically to those styles. Rather than produce an arcade game that doesn’t appeal to experienced racing gamers, SHIFT will provide a fun, but much more challenging, authentic race experience. Nitro will further provide an arcade experience by focusing on the Wii and NFS World Online will give the PC gamers an innovative and fresh online action experience.”
After a few laps of SHIFT we discussed how they’re planning to make the game feel as realistic as possible without taking the fun out of the game: “An authentic race experience is not only realized in the audio and visual effects, but also in the interaction with the AI racers throughout a race. The personalities and actions of every car change throughout every event; cars have rivals, they drive with intent. We want the emotion of an event to begin at the starting grid and be experienced with every battle for position like a gladiator fighting through the field. Our approach to the career design further immerses the player into this experience – having to master each machine and being rewarded for thrilling 8-9th place finishes, as much as the career rewards podium finishes. This aspect is the antithesis to the typical grind experience of simulation racing games.”
Perhaps the most popular addition to the series is the return of the in-car view. Jesse took me through some of the cars to show me the incredible care and attention that’s gone into the artwork and explained how the in-car view works: “Each interior has been modeled to the highest standard possible. When you’re playing with the cockpit view you can move the driver’s head to look out of the window, get a better view in the mirrors or just watch yourself changing gear. We’re also really pleased to be able to bring back the replay camera and post-race presentation mode.”
Speaking of the artwork I asked about some of the rumours that the first SHIFT screenshot was in fact a render but Jesse confirmed it was definitely a screenshot; just like all the shots you’re seeing here: “All images are taken straight from the game without alteration.”
With the emphasis strongly being placed on realism where does this leave customisation – both visual and performance tuning? “Vehicle customisation is a principle tenet of the Need for Speed franchise. SHIFT further connects the player in the driver experience through not only visual but performance-based tuning. Visual customization, both inside the vehicle and out, is available to further pull the player into the individual aspects of the experience. Performance-based modifications to the body will be tunable, as will performance packages and individual parts.”
A lot of the emails I received were asking about the track-based nature of the game and there were questions about the range of tracks people will be able to play in the new game; luckily Jesse was able to offer some more information about the courses: “SHIFT will not only include renowned Formula 1 courses from around the world but also fictional locations such as the London course you see in the screenshot. By doing so we’re able to take creative liberties and offer players a lot of variety in a track layout and create challenging game modes based upon these designs.
I did ask Jesse if he could reveal more about the range of cars available to play in the game but he wasn’t giving too much away: “Licensed cars are another key tenet of the Need for Speed franchise and since SHIFT is rooted in professional racing you can expect a wide range of racing cars. While we won’t go into detail yet, SHIFT car types and liveries are more closely based on reality but there are some franchise firsts and surprises in the works.
Our time ran out and Jesse had to leave for another meeting. Before he left though I was able to ask him one more question, I wanted to know what is his favourite part of the game so far: “The challenge to master each vehicle; tame and bring it under control, to fight through each race, in a battle for every position on the track. Even when I’m ranking ninth in a field of ten the fight to the finish line is very fun. This aspect alone has swayed me from arcade racing fan towards the very fun and rewarding authentic race experience!” Well put and thanks for taking the time to sit down with me today.
By Andrew Collins for NeedforSpeed.com (and blogged by me!)
(sorry for the cut images, they won't fit on my blog....)
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
"..You only call timeout when the quarter back has dislocated his shoulder seven plays ago!"
Well I will be posting about the new stuff in NFS: Shift soon, however my blogging computer has not been working lately - I gotta fix it.
It might be the power supply...
Anyways yeah...
I'm on the watch for any other stuff as well...
Its' not over yet!
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
(also WSR on rFactor!)
(and wingedstreetracer on Xfire!)
Since the announcement of three new Need for Speed games a couple of weeks ago my inbox has been filling up with people asking questions about the new games. I’ve collated the most popular ones and will be asking each of the game teams to run through them and shed some light on their projects. First up is Scott Henshaw; as the producer looking after the Black Box side of development for Need for Speed World Online he’s in an ideal position to answer your questions.
What is Need for Speed World Online?
Need for Speed World Online is a downloadable, free-to-play game built around the best elements of Need for Speed, designed exclusively for the PC. Players can explore the world, race against friends and engage in massive pursuits across the largest open world in Need for Speed history. As well as this massive game arena World Online will feature more cars, parts and game modes than ever before. This is a whole new type of game for Need for Speed fans, entirely online and constantly evolving.
With the game launching in Asia first does this mean we’ll just be getting a port in North America and Europe?
What you’ll see debuting in Taiwan over the next few months is a version of the game designed specifically for Asian audiences. Our North American and European versions will be tuned to the gaming styles and expectations of those players. We’re still very early in the design stages at the moment so we’ll reveal more details as the project progresses.
Didn’t you guys already try this with Motor City Online?
We tried an online game with American muscle cars on a subscription basis. Some of the experience and the things we learned about the community features will translate, but NFS World has some marked differences. The new game plays in an open-world environment with a huge number of cars and events. Modes such as Co-op, Team Events and presence of cops all provide a very different experience than Motor City Online delivered.
The screenshot you released for Need for Speed World looked very similar to an area in Carbon – is this just a “recycled” version of the older game?
We were impressed how quickly people noticed this when we released the screen; they clearly know our games well. It’s true that we’re using the city of Carbon (we’re actually merging it with the Most Wanted world too) but these games are two of the most popular and best loved games we’ve shipped, so we’re excited to bring our players back to those cities. We chose Most Wanted as a baseline for this game and have been working to significantly improve the look of both worlds. You’ll see Carbon in daylight and experience an entirely new atmosphere in Most Wanted. While the streets will be familiar, the uniquely customizable interface, game and player progression will be entirely new to Need for Speed.
Is the game really free or will it be a stripped down version of the overall experience? Will I be "nickel and dimed" when I want to upgrade my car to something better than an entry model?
The gameplay experience will be available for free. As I mentioned earlier we’re still hard at work on the designs but it’s safe to say that we’re working hard to ensure we create an interesting, engaging experience if you pay $0 or $5.
Are there cops?
Definitely! You can’t have an open world game without the police. We will be bringing back our pursuit gameplay from Most Wanted, Carbon and Undercover - we’ve spent some time innovating on co-op and team-based cop play as well.
Will this run on my PC? What are the min specs?
We plan to keep the min spec quite reasonable, our engineers are working hard to make sure the game runs well and looks great on the lower end machines... think close to the min specs for Carbon.
Can I play against users across the world, or just in my local region?
This is one of those topics we’ve not decided on yet. One of the key stages of launching any game like this is the Open and Closed Beta stages. This is where we test a lot of our design to make sure the game is a fun experience.
When does the Beta launch, and how do I become a part of it?
There were a lot of questions about this but we’ve not got a lot of details to share just yet; the best way to find out information is to keep an eye on Needforspeed.com for sign-up details later this year.
Next article:
While we were discussing the Q&A with Scott earlier this week I asked him if he could get me any more screenshots from World Online. Since it’s still pretty early in the development cycle there wasn’t a lot of screens available but he did find one shot he wanted to share with us. Before letting us see the shot Scott stressed it was still a work-in-progress image so shouldn't be judged as showing the final quality of the game.
When he'd sent the screen I asked him to give me a bit more information about what we’re looking at and he was happy to help out: “Key to the concept of NFS World Online is the user interface which has been built from the ground up to take advantage of the PC architecture. Instead of a traditional console view of a game, we’re using a user-selectable gadget interface designed specifically for the PC. The system allows the gamer to choose which components of the interface they want to add to their game. The gadgets are really flexible and offer a wide range of display options: docked/undocked, floating in the game window or just sitting outside of the game space. A lot of gamers now have more than one monitor so you could keep the game window entirely clean and then have all the gadgets sit in the other monitor. We think it’s about time PC gamers had games that allowed them to arrange their information their way.
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
I'm a member of the TMA community! Here's the link - www.trackmania-australia.com
Oh and I got a blog there as well. http://www.trackmania-australia.com/forum/blog.php
So... I'm in a better mood. From listening to Yellowcard - Empty Apartment, etc.
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
p.s. Get Xfire everyone!!!
Well my sunburn still hurts and also, my computer is also reacting to the heat of summer by overheating and freezing.
Isn't it ironic? Anyway, my CPU was reaching 76 degrees (Celcius) after TMUF on a hot 30-33 degree day. The GPU was around 60-65 degrees. Apparently, my CPU's maximum tempurature before overheating is 64.1 degrees.
Errm, 11.9 degrees or even more over is ok, isn't it?
Well my computer needs to a new way of cooling, fast.
Fly On,
Razor Blayde
Water, liquid...
I'm feeling like I'm in the sea...
Well maybe it's because I went to one of my friend's parties out on a boat. It was awesome!
Except now when i'm still, I feel like I'm still on the boat. And also I'm kinda woozy from the petrol fumes from the motor.
I wrote in the sand, "Help! Give me pie! :)."
And plus everybody got somehow sunburnt, especially in the face or arms and even in the back.
Fly On,
Razor Blayde