"Back to Basics"  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

There is nothing more annoying when you are reading something good, but it takes so long to get to the point. How ironic that statement was, is quite...well...ironic. In light of that, I've decided to cut off the "fat" of my posts from here on in, and just talk about my topic and such, rather than moseying along and talking nonsense.

Effectively, I am going back to my normal posting roots, of talking without all the extra unnecessary words, phrases and other literary junk that passes through to be posted, like that last post. I feel that it is better this way, so that I can clearly express whatever I want to express and so that the whole process goes smoothly.

Which brings me to my next point; my blog is easy enough to read, yet hard to interpret. I know and acknowledge that, it's a part of my personality in fact. I tell things in a wordy and verbose fashion that it ends up confusing those who are listening. I have found time and time again that this is an inefficient way of going about things, so I'm getting, "back to basics."

I think that is most of what I had wanted to say for the evening, and I hope to eliminate all future "fat" from my blogposts, however much they sound good in my head, yet confusing on my blog.

Peace to the world and Fly On,

Razor Blayde

"Umm, yeah, I don't take credit for that last post - That was my subconscious talking"  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

Well hey there lurkers,

I wish you and every one of you could hold it in your hearts of hearts to forgive that last late night rambling. That's the kind of post you can expect if you let my subconscious out of its cage and in control of my blog. Now that I have let it roam free for a single blog post, I instantly regret it.

It is kinda intriguing and a bit fast at the same time, kind of like a certain fast talker on a busy, gridlocked street. Say that the talker was on his/her mobile phone, and you were only a bystander, casually just listening in on the juicy gossip that just eschews from the talkers mouth and into the phone's microphone, sending it thousands of kilometers away to its receiver on the other end of the call.

Another win for the legendary imagery of my own brain/mind. The illusive challenge of describing and over-describing my little anecdotes is none too unattainable for my liking.

So anyway, back to business: The agenda tonight was mainly to hope that my readers would forgive me for that last wall of self-deluded subconscious rambling. If that is done, then I best be off to the land of Nod.

Peace out to the world and Fly On,

Razor Blayde

"I'm not a dreamer, I'm just somebody tired of being stuck in at the bottom of the epitome of boredom and monotony"  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

I do believe I there is something, or some other concept that I haven't quite dealt with yet.

Not that I do have to cover every single topic known possible to man, however it is in good practice of a blogger to cover mostly what their subject area is. As you know, my subject area has been stretched far beyond reaches.

So, I can pretty much cover a wide range of things.

And yes, I have something on my mind to blog about...(for once, my mind is not occupied by the culinary delight of a certain dairy product with both delectable flavour and smooth texture - cheese)...Something or other often referred to as the ideology of "looking for the light at the end of the tunnel" or so to speak.

I do welcome it wholeheartedly; it is often a catalyst for positive emotions or beneficial feelings such as hope, longing and the mixed, wild child of desire. Now, those three things may seem negative in some lights, however they are but the simple and delicate natures of the human persona, in terms of progression.

There are people I know - and to effect, myself at times - which struggle to contain these natures or themes in their lives, or rather contain a miniscule quantity of aimless self-direction on the multitude of the process of what we refer to as "life". As the title says, "I'm not a dreamer, I'm just somebody tired of being stuck at the bottom of the epitome of boredom and monotony."

However paradoxial this statement appears to be, it perfectly describes what my view is on this concept of natures of the human persona.

I've always thought of looking forward or thinking optimistically as a sign for progression, and for positive re-encouragement. I'm not ashamed to say that it is not a daft nor pointless direction in "life" or whatever is associated with such.

Having ideas can arguably make you seem to be a dreamer. Wishing for what comes next can make you seem to be a dreamer. Hesitating before taking the final step on a staircase journey can make you seem to be a dreamer.

All of these things and more are just a fragment of what has been really going on in some of my thought processes. That's not to say that I wish to be a dreamer, I'm simply just stating that those tiny little details can matter so much in a situation where oneself can do nothing but self ponder and gaze out into the vast expanse of thoughtspace and pine for something, anything to occur.

I know that I usually resort to some sort of leisure, creation, assembly or other as means of "passing the time" or "entertaining myself" and even "providing a goal for myself to achieve". That is undisputed, and yet, I have remembered my loyal readers and I choose to update you with the ongoings of my ever changing lifestyle and so on and so forth.

Would I blog that an emergency is occurring? I would not know. Possibly I may give you guys and gals an update in the coming week, or maybe I won't.

The truth is, that a matter of priorities is on our hands. Do I need to update my readers on the "down-low"? Yes, obviously, or had I not have this blog of mine, I would not consider it.

At the same time, I don't hope to live on an equilibrium, nor anything of that bland, life-less and cynical vegitative state: questioning everything with a sharp tongue in cheek, a moral obligation to bring oneself to the upmost false precedence and whatnot. I do wish to find events, dramas, catastrophic tales and the uncovering of secrets and mystery that plagues much of our society and the neighbourhood in which I have known for so long, not just limited to my local area, but as a handly collective term for the friends, 'bros', wingmen, close friends, mates, supportive people, adversaries, family, friends that are practically family, locations and much more I know well.

I do believe I shall rest my case for the evening.

Good Day/Night and Sunset Eve,

Razor Blayde

"Stevie Wonder taught me something, and so did Hall & Oates..."  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

Why hello there lurkers.

I had a sneaking suspicion about your presence back there with the rest of the shadowed crowd. It wouldn't be such a night unless yours truly had your eye on my tiny personalised space out in the world wide web, where my fingertips roam free and type my very thoughts at will in the form of an intelligible blog post.

I do admit, there are quite a number of things and topics I've been through on here. Alot doesn't seem appropriate at times, but overall, I think I'm doing quite well for a seasoned, and yet, not quite as frequent as I like -blogger.

I do believe I had something in mind when I started this blog post.

That is, Stevie Wonder (Stevie Ray Vaughn?) and Hall & Oates.

Now, I know they may not be the most current faze that tops the radio charts today, as of those hits of Ke$ha, 3Oh!3, Will.I.Am and whatnot; but it was only yesterday that I had been relaxing and finding a song of Stevie's that recognised.

It had all started with "Superstition". Of course, the classic is well known if you've ever seen any cheesy or even well made movie from the 90s or even shows and YouTube channels of today have used this great theme/song. It was from YouTube's Suggestions panel that I noticed and followed onto the rest of his songs... Thus, leading me to Hall and Oates.

Now, I had heard their "You make my Dreams come True" from its use in the 2009/2010 (I can't remember exactly when it was released) film, 500 Days of Summer. Their song "Sara Smile" brought a tear to my eye as I listened patiently to their gentle tune.

I stopped watching any videos after that (worrying for internet bandwidth overusage, and the fact that I had been watching quite a lot over the past few days), and sat quietly to myself....

When was the last time a song has evoked such emotion from its listeners? Or am I just... a bit sensitive? In any case, I still prefer the likeness of all genres that are genuinely melodic and such, and I'm not ashamed to say I do like songs from lots of controversial genres too: Rap/Hiphop, Pop, Mainstream, Indie [Rock ~ interesting thing about that, my good friend keeps telling me that I seem to like bands that are what he calls "Indie rock", I don't really mind what its called honestly, it's still good music to my ears], Rock, Alt Rock, Punk Rock, Metal, Power Metal, Classical, Concerto, C-Pop, J-Pop, Tech/House/Trance, and much much more.

I couldn't live with myself if I didn't settle with myself and just admit that I'm and avid listener and player of a vast multitude of music. My piano awaits for my next song project and I intend to satisfy it's desire.

Good Day, Night, Early Morning and Sunset Eve,

Razor Blayde

The Rantzilla returns...to teach you a lesson...  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

Okay, it hasn't been a long wait from my last post, right? (If you may call such a video embed from my channel on YouTube..)

Well in anycase, I have a little pressing issue on my blogging fingers that are hurrying away like clockwork to post this to you, my faithful readers...

And that is;

A slight philosophical spin on things + Physics

Now, I know there is not much you can delegate a whole blog post towards, in terms of discussing this sort of topic, however I'll try to keep it short, simple and sweet.

One of my good friends was discussing the other day about how the laws of physics, (in this case Newton's First, Second and Third laws), could somehow be taken for all-important life lessons.

These may not seem as so important in this way, although taking the basic structure as a formula in which you may impart life lessons onto people, (like the good readership here), puts a new 'spin', if you will, onto the ether of philosophy that people may usually disregard. The point here is that taking the First Law for example;

An object will remain at rest or will not change direction or speed unless acted upon by external forces.
Now, if you take the object to be something innocent, such as a young child, and the motion being their path in life; then the external forces may be that of the many influences (or propaganda, etc) the child will encounter on his or her path through life. The essence of what I'm trying to express here is that kids are often like this situation; most are veered off their 'course' throughout life by some external force, whether it be the lecturing of their teachers, the guidance of their parents or even the advertising shown in television, the internet and much more mediums.

Unless the child lived in a 'bubble', where all unapproved influences could not impact on the child, (99% of childhoods are not like this, thankfully, although I do sympathise with those that have been brought up this way), then there is always external influences acting upon the child in some insignificant to major way.

Of course, there are negative impacts upon the child from these various influences, as the analogy continues; the possible corruption of the pure, innocent thought process (highly unlikely due to the broad majority of children at least with some sort of external, uncontrolled influences impacting on them, the potential 'stunting' of a development of the child's unique identity (who the think they are) and alterations of aspirations (what they want to do).

I could further explain why this analogy, however I must bring this post to a close. (I fear I carry on a fair bit...)

The final point I will make is that important life lessons can come from the most unlikely of places, whether they may be from a cleverly made street sign, a fable or enchanting tale told by a wisened stranger or even from the very interwebs, i.e. here on my blog.

What lessons you keep at heart can help to make you and everyone around you a better person, in mind, body, spirit and soul.

Normal posting may resume for next week's post, give or take a few days. If you are interested in this philosophical types of posts, please express your interests in the comments section and I will gladly continue the series of this post.

Fly On,

Razor Blayde

This is what we do? Huh?  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

Now I know there's been quite a long absence here and there with my posting; but never fear...

I have something to post upon my homely blog:

A new video on my YouTube Channel @ www.youtube.com/user/razorblayde08

And here we go.

Fly On, Enjoy and Comment on my vid.

Razor Blayde

Tom's Celebration Dance  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

The comeback....  

Blog'D by Atamarashi

....*transmission interruption*....

*crackling* M-Maybe...Oh!

A hi, hello and how are ya to those still lurking around my blog...

I know a blog is no good without proper updates, and for that; I'm immensely apologetic to my readership of say... three or so. Har har.

But as they say so commonly;

"If it ain't broke; don't fix it."
And it looks like this is just the start.

Well, the most pressing thing on my mind at the moment is the movie, 500 Days of Summer.

Yeah, yeah, typical romantic comedy stereotypes aside, this movie, challenges the mindsets of realistic views on relationships; that is, that people don't often believe that true love or 'love' for that matter exists...

Just like the opening line, "This is a story about boy meets girl; but you should know upfront, that this is not a love story," summarises oh so eloquently and in the style that those voice-overs can be in these movies, this story begins as at the point in which Tom, (the boy) has reacted quite shockingly to a break-up from his ... err... 'friend', Summer (the girl).

As his sister Rachel asks him, "What went down?" [What happened?], the story begins in the usual fashion, introducing Tom and Summer and how they met initially... through a greeting card company they both worked for.

Zipping in and around through the 500 days that they were in each others lives, the narrative progresses in a nonlinear way, essentially showing major and minor details about how it was developing, then crashed horribly into a pit of flames... (not literally).

What is peculiar about this film, in fact, is exactly what it intends to deal with; that is, the unexpected and off-guarding nature of coincidence. Especially when in terms of finding the person who you'd end up spending the rest of your life with.

Ironically enough, Tom meets a girl competing for a architectural job with him, asking her out for coffee, regardless of who gets the job. She initially starts to say that she's meant to meet someone later, however she agrees anyway.

Tom introduces himself and the girl introduces herself as Autumn.

Thus begins his 1st day with Autumn...

In other news, I'd finished the NFS Live Championship of Need for Speed SHIFT on PC; receiving the much famed hero car, the BMW M3 GT2 (E92)...

Pics will follow later, but for now;

Fly On,

Razor Blayde